01372 46 4321 | hello@tiptop.co.uk | Quote for Netcare | Client Portal Remote Support: Desktop | Mobile
Computer Security is increasingly important to protect yourself and your family from exposure to online threats.
We can check your network, computers and mobile devices and suggest appropriate measures to fix vulnerabilities, such as:
Installing a rock-solid security suite
Firewall & Spam Filter configuration
Installing Parental Controls
Securing a WiFi network
Changing weak or non-existent passwords
Changing default login passwords left on network equipment
Installing an automated backup system
Installing tracing software in case of theft
Drive Encrypton (especially laptops)
Crypto Virus
We’ve seen an increase in the number of crypto virus attacks recently. The crypto virus is ransomware: malicious software which holds your files to ransome. When a Windows computer is infected, it encrypts all your files and then posts a message asking for payment to decrypt them, threatening to destroy them if it doesn’t get paid.
To avoid being susceptible to such a virus (or to limit your exposure), it's important that some of the above measures are taken before the attack occurs.
Phone 01372 46 4321 for assistance.