01372 46 4321 | hello@tiptop.co.uk | Quote for Netcare | Client Portal Remote Support: Desktop | Mobile

We are experts in installing and troubleshooting Apple kit.
During a home visit, we can set up your iMac, MacBook, iPhone, iPad, iCloud and Apple’s own networking equipment such as the Time Capsule and Airport Extreme and Airport Express. We can ensure all your devices are in sync and backed up.
Getting the setup right from the start will avoid headaches later on. For example, Apple’s iCloud attempts to sync data seamlessly between devices but it can be a bit overzealous and start taking over your contact lists and calendars which you might have previously stored with Gmail. This can get messy rather quickly and is easily avoided if correctly set up in the first place.
Given that we work with both Macs and PCs, cloud-syncing and home-networking, we are perfectly placed to help you make the most of your kit.
Phone 01372 46 4321 for assistance.