01372 46 4321 | hello@tiptop.co.uk | Quote for Netcare | Client Portal Remote Support: Desktop | Mobile
Guaranteed Response Times (SLA)
Break/Fix Response (critical = 1 hour, major = 4 hours, minor = 8 hours, no impact = 5 days)
Where a problem cannot be resolved remotely, a site visit can be made within 8 business hours.
Network Manager
You are assigned a Network Manager who knows your network and your team, and is available to provide advice and guidance specifically tailored to your network so that your IT infrastructure meets the needs of your growing business.
Antivirus Software included
We install a monitored, centrally-controlled, business-grade antivirus to keep your computers protected.
Microsoft 365 & Google Workspace covered
Microsoft 365 & Google Workspace support includes management of users and groups, permissions, licenses and email accounts for the company’s primary Microsoft 365 tenant or Google Workspace account. We'll set up a licensed administrator account within your Microsoft 365 tenant / Google Workspace account, allowing us to efficiently manage your account on your behalf.
Staff Onboarding / Offboarding
We will agree on a general template for managing the onboarding of new staff and offboarding of staff leavers to ensure that the process is smooth and security is maintained.
Company Computers covered (Windows & Apple Mac)
We monitor and manage your company’s computers and provide support when necessary.
NAS Device
We manage users, groups and permissions on your company’s NAS and provide support as required.
Windows Server Device
We monitor and manage your Windows Server operating system, install security patches and provide support when necessary. This includes management of users and groups, security permissions and printers.
WiFi, Network & Internet covered
We manage your company’s WiFi, Network and Internet and provide support when necessary.
Printers & Scanners covered
We manage your company’s printers and scanners and provide support when necessary.
Patch Management
Security updates for Microsoft products (and selected other vendors) are installed to keep computers secured and up-to-date.
Network Monitoring
We monitor your Windows network for such things as drive health, drive space, security patches, antivirus and more.
Scheduled Tune-Ups
We can run automated tune-ups on computers on a schedule to suit you.
Domain Name Management
We can manage your company’s domain name and manage your DNS records.
Annual IT Review
We offer a free review of your IT system on-site every 12-months to ensure it meets the needs of your growing business.