01372 46 4321 | hello@tiptop.co.uk | Quote for Netcare | Client Portal Remote Support: Desktop | Mobile
The integrity of a business network is critical to ensure continuity of service and protection of sensitive data.
We will ensure your computers and networks are protected against threats using the latest security protocols, the best and most reliable products in the industry and we can monitor and manage your security for you for complete peace of mind.
We can advise and implement a security policy for your network and ensure it is enforced. For example, it may be prudent to encrypt all laptops since they are more at risk of falling into the wrong hands. We can roll this out with a minimum of disruption and manage the encryption keys to ensure your business is always in control and has the necessary access it needs.
Services include:
Installation and Management of Business-Grade Antivirus, Firewall & Spam Policy
WiFi Security
Password Policy Management
Elimination of Default Network Passwords
Backup Management
Drive Encryption
Asset Management
Phone 01372 46 4321 for assistance.